If you are looking for Singapore renovation contractors, you have come to the right place. TManySingapore home renovation contractors would be happy to take your money and do a mediocre job. So how can you find the good ones? Here is a list of 5 criteria that will help guide your search so that you don’t get ripped off!

What Are Renovation Contractors In Singapore?
If you’re looking for someone to change, update or improve your home, you’ll need to find someone else. You might not have the skills needed to do that work yourself. In Singapore, it is the case that you must have a registered contractor or builder perform your renovation. Here’s where the renovation contractor comes in. They will implement the work that needs to be done, implementing different skills based on the job requirements. They are practical, hands-on workers.
What Services Do Renovation Contractors In Singapore Provide
Let’s take a quick look at the typical cost for home improvement projects in Singapore. Depending on the type of home, the age of the home, the amount of work you want to be done, and the materials you use, renovation costs from $5,000 to over $100,000.
Renovation Component | Average price range(per bedroom) | Average price range(living room and dining hall) |
Hacking | from $100 to $5,200 | from $100 to $3,900 |
Masonry | from $200 to $8,800 | from $100 to $22,000 |
Carpentry | from $200 to $33,700 | from $200 to $23,700 |
Ceiling and Partition | from $600 to $5,000 | from $200 to $3,200 |
Average price range for Bedroom, living and dining hall
Next it’s on to the kitchen and toilet improvements. This small room is a bit of an engineering feat. A lot is going on behind the walls, so your remodelling costs will probably be rather high.
Renovation component | Average price range(toilet) | Average price range(kitchen) |
Hacking | from $100 to $6,800 | from $100 to $3,200 |
Masonry | from $100 to $17,500 | from $200 to$11,300 |
Carpentry | from $200 to $9,000 | from $100 to $17,900 |
Plumbing | from $100 to $3,900 | from $100 to $1,700 |
Average costs for kitchen renovation and toilet renovation
Don’t forget to include these additional expenditures in your remodeling budget:
Renovation Component | Average price range |
Electrical works | from $300 to $7,700 |
Painting services | from $200 to $4,100 |
Doors, windows, grilles | from $400 to $13,800 |
Cleanup and disposal | from $300 to $13,900 |
*Additional expenditures costs for renovation works.

What is the difference between a contractor and an interior designer?
Interior Designer
An interior designer will coordinate your renovation project. They will manage the entire process. They can help you to generate designs from Star Wars to Scandinavian-based products. They will develop your project and provide design ideas (3D drawings). Interior design is a multifaceted profession. A decorator can do anything from ideation to execution.
Contractors generally execute the work requested by the homeowner. Depending on the project’s needs, there might be a need for contractors to hire other contractors to handle some of the work.
A sub-contracted service provider takes on a job that a contractor would normally do but must pay attention to detail to meet the client’s need. They usually work on a task-based contract, where they are paid for the project they are working on. So for example, if you are going to hire a contractor, you might consider hiring a subcontractor to perform the electrical wiring work.
While interior designers help shoulder your heavy load, contractors bear the light load that you assign to them. There are several reasons to choose interior designer or contractor.
How do I choose a renovation contractor?
- Research is the key to finding the right renovation contractor for your home. Ask your contractor how much it will cost to remodel your kitchen, then get quotes from several other contractors. This will help you choose the best price.
You can also save money by choosing a contractor who has many years of experience. You’ll need the skills to provide real customer feedback and provide excellent solutions for your customers.
Call your friends or family for a contractor who knows what they are doing.
You don’t just ask someone for a referral and hope for the best!
- Create a budget for your hiring needs: There are different companies that offer various services, which means there is a wide variety of choices. You must set a reasonable budget if you want to find a good fit for your home. You should set a budget to negotiate on the overall cost of the project that your contractor
- Ask for references: If they don’t have a reference from a previous client, get to know the person who recommended them. This will help you choose the right one for your job. I wouldn’t hire a company that’s done just two or three projects to do my next project, either.
Your contractor must be licensed and has a good track record of completing successful home renovation projects in the past. - Selecting a contractor on the basis of price quote is not a wise decision. It’s important that you know how long the quote is being offered for. If one contractor is charging more than the other, but offering shorter completion times, it’s still a good idea to choose this contractor. They may have more expertise or resources than others.
You should definitely get a person who can renovate your home within a very short time frame because you will not be able to live your normal life otherwise. Before signing a contract, always read it through carefully. Understand the terms of any legal agreements thoroughly. - A builder is a good contractor who’ll provide surety for the quality of his work. Find out if your contractor is giving you any warranty that certain materials he used during the renovation are of top quality, or not. Good materials and products are key to a successful renovation job. Be sure that your renovation contractor is doing all of these.

What is their experience and expertise?
When you are renovating your home, it is important to research the contractors that will be working on the HDB renovation. You want a good renovation contractors who has experience, expertise and recommended renovation project in what they do because if not done correctly, this could lead to potentially damaging or destroying things so make sure these professionals have all of their credentials checked out before choosing them for any hdb renovation or house renovation!
When selecting someone for an upcoming project such as remodeling one’s home, there may come many considerations like whether or not they can perform all work from start-to-finish without having assistance with specific tasks which others might handle better than yourself. It would then be ideal if said person was able to complete everything themselves but sometimes this isn’t possible due to various reasons; some jobs require an expert in a certain field to complete the task and if they are not available, perhaps it would be wise for them to assemble a team of professionals who can provide assistance. It is also worth considering what worked well or poorly on past projects as this may help you decide which company will work best for your needs for you recommended renovation references.
Another recommended renovation item establishment mastery. There are washroom and kitchen ledges that require a talented hand during establishment. A task finished by any unpracticed Tom, Dick and Harry may just harm your ledge.
The equivalent goes for your kitchen sink. The watertight sink like Aura Sink utilizes a progressive new establishment strategy. Just specialists in the business will actually want to give the redid cinching framework needed for the sealed plan.
How long do they need to complete the job?
Moving in on an auspicious day is important. You have consulted your fengshui master to ensure that the best time and day were selected for you, because it’s a fresh start towards new beginnings! It is crucial that your good renovation contractors completes HDB renovation or house renovation work on schedule so as not to derail any of these plans by delaying moving-in day with delays or bad time management.
The time it takes for a contractor to complete work on your singapore home will vary. Some may need more than others and some may be able to do the job in less time but that is going to depend on how much you are willing to spend, what type of renovations you want done and also if they have workers at their disposal or not.
There are singapore home renovation contractors that can complete work quickly, but if you want good quality service then it is going to take time. Sometimes taking more time will produce a better and higher-quality result!
If the good renovation contractors says they are able to do the job for house renovation in less than two weeks, this may be too good to be true.
What type of customer feedback and reviews do they get?
The world of business has become a very competitive environment. In the past, it was easy for businesses to make everyone happy but not anymore! Your best bet is looking at reviews from previous customers so you know whether or not they were satisfied with their experience before making your decision – though there will be both good and bad feedback on any company’s reputation. Sometimes people are just complaining because something didn’t go according to plan (and these complaints may have been addressed by them in the initial consultation) whereas other times customer service really needs improving as some companies can seem too busy dealing with new clients rather than ensuring that existing ones get what they need which could lead those disappointed customers into giving negative remarks across social media platforms .
Are these remarks for the most part sure or generally negative? Is there a typical worry from most clients with respect to this worker for hire? Is the worry pertinent to what you are anticipating?
Saying something these remarks can either reassure you or make you strike off the name of the worker for hire.
How much are they charging?
Contractors can be a great help and resource to have for any renovation, but it’s important that you do your homework in advance. Make sure not only are they able to meet all of the requirements requested by yourself or partner before deciding on who is best for the job, also take note of their charges so there aren’t unanticipated surprises when everything comes time to pay up at long last!
Do they provide after-sales service?
How do you know that your contractor is responsible? The best way to find out would be by asking about their after-sales service. Do they provide any warranty and guarantee within an acceptable time frame?
It’s important to ask a potential contractor if they offer good customer care or even before the job begins, so you can avoid having problems with them in the future.
In the event that they do, check on the off chance that they charge for their after deals administration. You wouldn’t have any desire to be hit with a robust after deals administration bill for amendment work that should be done well in any case.

Choose Your Renovation Contractor Wisely
In the wake of gauging all choices dependent on these five hints, you can securely choose the best project worker to address your issues. All things considered, you don’t need your wonderful vision of your home damaged by trashy workmanship.
Do not hesitate to contact Exqsite! Exqsite workers have over 20 years of experience and also have a HDB licensed renovation contractor. For our company achievements, Exqsite have got HDB licensed renovation contractor, ACS registrars, and bizSafe star.
Exqsite always places our homeowner’s needs and requirements first. We also provide creative and effective solutions to all problems, always attain feedback, monitor and inspect the renovation process closely to give homeowners a peace of mind. So what are you waiting for? Discuss your new interior design with Exqsite right now!