Have you ever needed to hire a contractor but didn’t know where to start? You might have considered calling friends or family members, checking websites or using online services. But, would you really trust a stranger with a potentially expensive project? With a growing number of building and renovation projects across Singapore, it’s not surprising that more and more homeowners are turning to trusted professional builders for advice on what to look for when hiring a contractor.

Applying for Approval
For all improvements in your apartment, you must use a contractor who is listed in the Directory of Renovation Contractors (DRC). Other tasks that necessitate hiring someone who is duly authorized include:
Water service and sanitary works | Have to engage a Public Utilities Board (PUB) Licensed Plumber |
Gas service works | Have to engage an Energy Market Authority (EMA) Licensed gas service worker |
Windows | Building Construction Authority (BCA)’s approved window contractor listed with HDB |
Electrical Installation | Electrical worker licensed by the Energy Market Authority (EMA) |
Renovating HDB During COVID
Make sure you are aware of your obligations as a flat owner when planning your remodeling. Although remodeling is permitted during the present COVID-19 situation, keep the following in mind to limit annoyance to your neighbors.
- On Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays, and the night before significant public holidays, noisy work that requires a lot of drilling and hacking is not permitted.
- Renovations requiring a HDB renovation permit must be completed within the allotted renovation times, whereas small renovations may take longer. Minor projects that don’t need HDB permits are typically light in scope and don’t endanger the building’s structural integrity.
- We strongly advise you to give at least 5 days’ notice to your neighbors who live within a 2-unit radius of any renovation work. This can be accomplished by giving written notification. All contractors who are listed in the HDB Directory of Renovation Contractors are required to follow this procedure.

Since more people are working from home, we recognize that renovation-related noise may be a problem. We do, however, ask for your patience and compassion with owners who are equally eager to finish their apartment renovations quickly. You might find the following advice useful:
- Ask your neighbors for their understanding by avoiding certain days or hours.
- If your neighbor’s remodeling work cannot be postponed, you can think about going back to work or school or stopping by the community center or library in the area to finish your work or study.
- When discussing with your neighbor, ask your grassroots leader or other neighbors to serve as a mediator, if required.
- If you’re looking for advice on setting up a functional home office, you may also look at the post below.
Renovation Important Information
Here is a list of some of the most crucial considerations for planning your improvements.
- Use only contractors listed in the Directory of Renovation Contractors (DRC) to do the renovation, even if it doesn’t need HDB clearance.
- All wall hacking and demolition, whether partial or comprehensive, requires prior written authorisation from HDB. The approval guarantees that any suggested demolition or hacking work won’t jeopardize the building’s structural integrity and safety of the general public. Your family’s and your neighbors’ safety can be in jeopardy if the building’s structural stability is compromised.
- Do not direct staff members or anyone else to perform demolition or hacking activity that has not received written approval from HDB.
- Respect the HDB-specified allotted time scrupulously to avoid upsetting your neighbors.
If you are discovered to have broken any of the Housing and Development (Renovation Control) Rules, such as carrying out unauthorized demolition or hacking activities, you may be prosecuted for failing to engage contractors from the Directory of Renovation Contractor (DRC).

Looking for Approved Renovation Contractors
When you buy a property, you might consider upgrading it to fit your preferences for comfort and style.
With our e-Service, you can look for a contractor in the Directory of Renovation Contractors (DRC) or a BCA Approved Window Contractor. The DRC’s listed contractors are aware of the regulations set forth by the HDB for renovations and for maintaining the building’s structural integrity. HDB does not support or vouch for the caliber of their creations.
You and the contractors will enter into a private contract for their services, HDB is not informed of this. Contractors are solely accountable to their client for all contractual commitments, including the caliber of their work. Both sides must come to an agreement if there is any disagreement on the cost, timeline, or quality of the refurbishment. You can seek assistance through CASE, the Singapore Mediation Center, or the Small Claims Tribunal if the dispute cannot be resolved amicably privately. As an alternative, you could file a lawsuit to obtain relief.
For advice on how to choose a contractor, consult the CASE Consumer Guides and the CCCS Fair Trading Practices.
If you are looking for approved renovation contractors in Singapore, Exqsite will be a good place to start. We’re an accredited business, based on our reputation and the customer reviews we’ve received. We have many years of experience in the HDB renovation industry and can help you create the renovation project for your space.

20 years professionals experience
In Exqsite, our team of 20 years professionals experience will make your house beautiful and functional in every aspect, with an eye on detail and perfection. We guarantee you will be satisfied! Here are things that you will get from us:
- We provides high quality workmanship with reasonable prices
- We put our clients first by serving them friendly customer service
- Employees of over 20 years of experience
Make your renovation situation easier with us. Click here for the solution of your renovation problems.