If you are looking for interior design services in Singapore, we have the simple checklist interior designer for you before hire. Our interior designers are highly good interior designer to recommend and know how to make a house or apartment look good!
A good interior designer to recommend can turn your home into something beautiful. If you’re looking to get some renovations done but don’t know where to start, then our interior designers at Exqsite Interior is the right place for you.
How much does an interior designer in Singapore cost?
For interior design packages, the usual price range for affordable and good interior designer in singapore for the specific projects are:
- 3-room BTO renovation: S$25,000 to S$45,000
- 4-room BTO renovation: S$33,000 to S$58,000
- 5-room BTO renovation: S$38,000 to S$65,000
- 3-room resale renovation: S$30,000 to S$65,000
- 4-room resale renovation: S$38,000 to S$73,000
- 5-room resale renovation: S$50,000 to S$82,000
- Condominium renovation (depending on size): S$40,000 to S$120,000

There are various reasonable and good interior designer projects in Singapore. Some ID’s offer to customize the plan according to each unit, while others offer packages such as HDB BTO or resale packages which include design consultations and space planning. These package usually have a range of services including masonry, plumbing, painting and cleaning among other miscellaneous tasks depending on what is needed for your project.
Costs differ likewise to what’s in the bundle, including work expenses and item costs, just as the space of the home that is being redesigned. For instance, there are kitchen or washroom configuration bundles too, going from 6,000SGD to 20,000SGD.
The unseen details are the main problem however – such bundles frequently offer fundamental remodel administrations. They might be utilized by deceitful organizations to increase high when you need extra additional items or turn out accomplished for your home. Such bundles may not be fitting for individuals who are searching for a full inside plan insight.
Once more, this fluctuates from configuration organizations to organizations, so make a point to do your due industriousness, for example, understanding surveys and call up past clients for input about the firm you’ll be drawing in with.
Cost Factors
You may think that renovating a home is expensive, but the truth of that statement can be hard to pin down. You could spend as little as 30,000SGD for an entire condo project or upwards of 70,000SGD depending on what you want and how much labour goes into it. It all comes down to your budget and labor preference in this case!
You should consider the following cost factors when hiring a highly recommended interior designer in singapore
- Self-employed or firm
- Number of employees in the firm
- Overhead cost
- Number of rooms you want to be decorated
- Quality of materials
All in all, inside good interior designer in singapore that work for themselves are regularly more reasonable. highly recommended interior designer in singapore are probably going to charge more due to having higher overhead expenses (like showcasing, greater office spaces, and so forth), which is given to the customer. While there are special cases, this typically holds for the business.
Albeit significant expenses may discourage you from picking a highly recommended interior designer in singapore, working with one has its advantages also. Having full-time, devoted workers or a salesman (for inside fashioners, the experts or creators) to help you implies that the task will be finished quicker, and all the more so on schedule.
good interior designer in singapore additionally have a standing to maintain (alongside their fixed office space, organization data, display areas), which implies they are slanted to satisfy your hopes and serve you better.
How do I choose a good interior designer in singapore?
Step 1. Check HDB Licensing
An interior design company can help you to stay within the guidelines of HDB while renovating your home. When looking for an appropriate and reputable firm, make sure they are registered with HDB as well; Exqsite Interior is such a reliable company that has been in business for a long time!

Step 2. Ask About the Firm’s Specialty or Expertise
Exqsite Interior is an interior design company with a broad range of skill, expertise, and creativity. They are equally skilled at residential or retail designs because they like to work on modern clean spaces that feature high-end finishes for their customers. The Exqsite team has created beautiful flats in the gallery online as well as stunning retail spaces you can view today!
Step 3. Inquire About Payment
Paying for your funeral is a difficult process to go through, but it’s important that you do this before the inevitable happens. Some people don’t want any pre-planning and are just turning over all responsibility of their burial arrangements when they die or someone close in death does so. But there are other ways to get around paying full price on top up front if money may be tight: installment plans can help ease some financial strain as well as allow time for families who have been impacted by sudden tragedies with no savings plan prepare themselves financially. There isn’t always an option available where we live though; not every company takes installments and those options could come with hefty interest rates which would negate most benefits from doing so anyway!
Step 4. Establish the Timeline
From the beginning, find out what your project timeline might look like. Of course there may be unexpected issues and delays; but in general a reputable interior design firm will try to stick as close to an expected timeline as possible with any problems or delays kept updated by them for you. You can get a sense of how well they communicate deadlines from reading reviews on our website where we post testimonials left behind by previous customers who enjoyed their work immensely!
Exqsite a highly recommended interior designer in singapore
Do you want to have a renovation for your BTO or want to search? Do not hesitate to contact Exqsite! Exqsite workers have over 20 years of experience and also have a HDB licensed renovation contractor. For our company achievements, Exqsite have got HDB licensed renovation contractor, ACS registrars, and bizSafe star.
Exqsite always places our homeowner’s needs and requirements first. We also provide creative and effective solutions to all problems, always attain feedback, monitor and inspect the renovation process closely to give homeowners a peace of mind. So what are you waiting for? Discuss your new interior design with Exqsite right now!