3 Simple Ideas For Your 5-Room BTO Floor Plan

How do you plan for your future home? Do you go to an architect to help you or do you use a pre-built plan?

If you are planning to buy a house in the future, the most important thing to consider is the floor plan. A good floor plan will make a huge difference in the value of the home. And it will be one of the things you’ll most likely be looking at when it comes time to sell the house. So you want to make sure that it is a good one.

Unfortunately, you don’t always have time to go through the hassle of finding a good floor plan, so what can you do? Well, you could either go to an architect and have them make one up for you or you can use a pre-built plan.

In this article, I’m going to show you a 5-room BTO floor plan that will help you create a great living space for yourself. This plan is really versatile as it can be adapted to suit almost any kind of home.

So if you are thinking about building a home and want to learn more about what goes into a floor plan, then read on…

Maximize your vertical space!

You don’t want your space looking cluttered, but sometimes you just don’t know where to put everything. That is why you need to try out different ways to make your space more usable. You can make it into a more functional and aesthetically pleasing space.

What’s even more, there are countless benefits of utilizing your vertical space, particularly if you have a tiny house. Having a shelf display that stretches all the way up to the ceiling is a great way to create a sensational feature wall in any space of your interior.

The storage solutions you choose will be based on your needs, but you should also consider their practicality and price. Choose shelving that will match your BTO 5-room interior design.

It is important to choose the right style of shelving and cupboard that complements your home’s architecture, furniture and decoration. You don’t want to have your cupboards or shelves look like they were put together by a haphazard builder who never really had a plan.

Separate your workspace and your living room

Many of us have hectic social lives. We need to take a rest from our daily commitments, so it’s important to have a private space for that in your 5-room BTO living room. It’s good to separate your workspace from the leisure area because that way you can be more focused on the job at hand. Having peace of mind is vital for quality rest, so you can get back to work the next day.

You can use your leisure area for entertaining guests, relaxing, and simply for fun. The space should be comfortable, with all of the accessories you need to make it so. If you have kids or pets, this is a great place to let them run around freely and enjoy themselves. Just make sure that you provide a few rules so they don’t cause any damage or disturb your guests too much.

Renovation your home layout

It is time to rethink your conventional 5-room hdb renovation home layout and reimagine your floor plan. The one thing to keep in mind about a BTO home is that you can safely create your multipurpose areas. You don’t need to worry about living on a tight budget. This means converting the extra space in your HDB into your dream space!

If you want to change things up, hacking down your walls is a good idea. If you want to turn one of your spare rooms in your old HDB 5-room renovation design into a walk-in wardrobe or bathroom, you can either partially or fully hack the wall between them. This creates a more spacious master bedroom with an attached walk-in wardrobe, making it feel a lot bigger and less cluttered. Behind a partially hacked wall, you can have a little privacy in your bedroom.

You can get as creative as you want when it comes to your home office or gaming nest. You should consult with your internal design team if you are still unsure of how to proceed. The team of experts will come up with ideas on how to use your room to serve multiple functions at the same time.

What can Exqsite Interior do for you?

There is a lot you can do to maximize your space in your BTO. You don’t have to spend a fortune, you can always trust Exqsite Interior to make it work for you. Visit our website for further information and get our special price!

3 Simple Ideas For Your 5-Room BTO Floor Plan
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