4 Room Renovation Package: How Much Does It Cost To Renovate a Resale Flat?


Since 4 room resale flats are very common in Singapore, 4 room renovation packages are also commonly sold. However, this doesn’t mean 4 room renovation packages are the same. There are many factors that affect how 4-room hdb design ideas will cost. The 4 room renovation package you choose to install may not only affect the quality of renovation but also how much 4-room resale renovation cost

There is also a 4 bedroom type of 4 room renovation package available for purchase for those looking for more rooms than just 2 rooms and 2 rooms.

It’s important that you compare different renovation resale hdb flat before deciding on one. 4 room renovation packages can vary in cost, even if they are selling 4 rooms. 4-room renovation packages may include the same 4 rooms but different costs to meet your budget.

This is because renovation resale hdb flat also affect the quality of 4-room renovation works carried out by contractors and service providers. If you’re looking for 4-room renovations, 4 room renovation packages can be a great way to save 4-room resale renovation cost.

According to 4 room renovation experts, 4-room resale flat renovations are common in Singapore especially 4-room HDBs or 4 rooms for sale . A 4 room renovation package may include the same 4 rooms but there are many factors that affect how much 4-room resale renovation cost. 4-room renovations can improve 4 rooms for sale by upgrading 4 rooms to 4 bedrooms with 4 bathrooms.

According to Qanvast, the average cost of renovating a resale HDB flat ranges between $45,000 and $52,000 for a four-room unit. Again, this is just an estimate, and we can expect to spend more depending on the extent of our HDB kitchen and bathroom renovations.

Parts of Our Homes That Need to Be Renovated

Rather than viewing our HDB flat as a single renovation project, we can divide it into several smaller projects. The cost of renovating various areas of our home will vary depending on the extent to which we want the area renovated and what we want it furnished with.

Living Room and Dining Room

If we did not opt for the HDB OCS, or if we want to hack or overlay the existing tiles in the resale flat that we bought, the masonry work for our floor tiles will most likely be the most expensive. In addition, we may require carpentry work such as a feature wall, false ceiling, shoe cabinets, and additional storage space. All of this could cost us between $8,000 and $12,000.


The main cost for bedrooms will be the flooring and any built-in cabinets that we want to build. Assuming we need to replace the flooring, this could cost between $2,000 and $3,000 per bedroom, or around $8,000 for all three. Additional work, such as a false ceiling and cabinets, can cost up to $10,000.


Unless we buy a resale flat with a good condition kitchen, chances are the kitchen will require the most carpentry. We will need to construct kitchen cabinets, countertops, a cooker, a range, a sink, and other items. Cabinets and countertops will be the most expensive items, depending on the material and size of the kitchen. If we are building a kitchen for a brand-new HDB BTO flat, we can expect to spend between $8,000 and $12,000 on average.


Tile overlays or hacking the existing tiles and walls will easily cost $3,000 to $4,000. Other fixtures, such as a shower screen, vanity sink, bathroom accessories, or even a bathtub, can push the cost of a bathroom renovation up to $5,000 to $10,000 per bathroom. If we choose something straightforward, the cost may be less than $5,000. The cost for two bathrooms would be around $10,000 to $15,000.

Plumbing and electrical work, lighting, painting, window grills, ceiling fans, and, of course, air-conditioning units will all be extra costs. We may want to set aside $10,000 to cover the costs of these repairs, especially if we are taking over an empty BTO flat that has not had these repairs completed.


4-room renovation packages provide 4-room renovation cost, depending on the quality. 4 room renovations are common in Singapore especially 4-room HDBs or 4 rooms for sale . 4 room renovation package may include the same 4-room renovation cost but there are many factors that affect how much it will cost you. Whether you’re looking to renovate a resale flat or take over an empty BTO flat, your decision should be made based on what is most important to you and your budget.

Exqsite interior designers offer the most attractive and value-for-money 4-room hdb design ideas. Exqsite had delivered many renovation resale hdb flat in Singapore. Our contractors are HDB Licensed who knows well the HDB rules and regulations. 

Upon comprehending your renovation requirements and goals, we shall follow up with a package that suits your budget and manage the 4-room renovation cost within your affordability, without compromising quality. So let Exqsite team assist you with the interior design & renovation to mold your 4-room hdb design ideas into your dream home!

20 years professionals experience

In Exqsite, our team of 20 years professionals experience will make your house beautiful and functional in every aspect, with an eye on detail and perfection. We guarantee you will be satisfied! Here are things that you will get from us:

  • We provides high quality workmanship with reasonable prices
  • We put our clients first by serving them friendly customer service
  • Employees of over 20 years of experience 

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4 Room Renovation Package: How Much Does It Cost To Renovate a Resale Flat?
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